Self Study Education Programme
The Tara Institute teaching transcript collection is a great resource covering some of the great texts of the Tibetan and Indian Buddhist traditions. The Ven. Geshe Doga has taught these topics with the intention of enabling students to understand and to put into practice the meaning of these great topics. The accompanying discussions and exams also have this purpose.
The Self Study Programme is aimed at enabling a progressive learning through these various topics. You are able to study at your own pace using the transcripts, discussion points and exams.
If you would like any help or guidance, click here to access our contact page. Please send us a message putting "self study help" in the subject field. One of our senior Dharma students will get in touch with you.
Choose from the topics below (more topics to come please keep posted)
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Transcripts are available for students / attendees
Available Topics
Click on the topic to access the teachings

Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand is the first complete translation of Pabongka Rinpoche's famous 24-day teaching in 1921 on the stages of the path to Enlightenment - regarded as a complete synthesis of all the Buddha's teachings.

Nagarjuna is renowned for his penetrating analysis of reality. In Precious Garland he offers intimate counsel on how to conduct one's life and how to construct social policies that reflect Buddhist ideals.

Mind and Awareness
LO-RIG or MIND in Tibetan Buddhism. We use the word 'mind' continually in our conversations, but if we ask ourselves what we mean by 'mind', it becomes obscure. Geshe Doga will present this special series of teachings on the mind from a Buddhist viewpoint, so that we can acquire a clearer understanding of what it is and how it functions.

A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment
A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment presented for the first time all of the teachings of the Buddha in an organized step by step path, making it very easy for the individual practitioner to get an overview of the entire path and to understand what practice might be relevant to them.