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TI Donation.webp


If you have benefitted from this Centre and would like to extend that benefit to others, then please consider donating to Tara Institute.  This will help to support the Centre so it can continue to sustain this comfortable venue where the Buddha's teachings can truly benefit many people.

You can use the button on the right or, if you prefer, you can transfer money directly into our bank account - details below:

A/c Name:      Tara Centre for Wisdom Culture Inc

Bank:                Commonwealth Bank of Australia

BSB:                 063242

Account No:   10227562



Address: 3 Mavis Avenue East Brighton, 3187, Australia


Please email TI Office to inform of the transfer, or just call the office on 9596 8900 to arrange donation with credit card over the phone.  Thank you.


As a not-for-profit organisation, Tara Institute relies on the generosity of our friends and benefactors to
support all our activities. Any contribution, big or small, is greatly appreciated. We rejoice in the many,
many acts of generosity of our incredible community, and we make strong aspirations to use each and
every contribution in the best possible way to benefit all those who come into contact with our Centre.

General Fund

General donations are extremely important for the daily running of the centre, helping us to meet
basic expenditures like utilities, insurance, rates, etc.
By donating to this fund, you are directing your contribution to the area of greatest need at that time.
Target for 2023: Open

Building and Maintenance Fund

Tara Institute can call the beautiful and historic building at 3 Mavis Avenue our home. But with a big
building come big responsibilities. As our building ages, maintenance and repair costs are rising.
At the time of writing (mid 2023), well over $100,000 in extraordinary expenditures (over and above
usual spending) is needed for urgent repairs: fixing a leaking roof on our meditation hall, fixing broken
windowpanes, upgrading old toilets, and so on.
By donating to this fund, you are helping to provide a safe and secure place for people to pursue their
spiritual path.
Target for 2023: $200,000


Sangha Support Fund

We are incredibly fortunate to receive teachings, advice and instructions from perfectly qualified
teachers who are ordained monks and nuns (Sangha). Our teachers have dedicated their lives to our
benefit and to the study and practice of the Buddhist teachings.
By donating to this fund, you are helping to cover ongoing costs like food, healthcare, travel and other
basic needs.
Target for 2023: $2,500 per week in recurring weekly donations


Tara Institute’s Financial Statements

We encourage all our friends to understand the Centre’s financial position. Our audited financial
statements can be accessed here.
Please note: while we make an effort to ensure the funds you donate are directed towards your
chosen fund, we are not able to guarantee this. Please make contributions with the understanding
that Tara Institute has discretion over the use of all donated funds.


​Last updated: July 2023

Without the generous support of members,
the Centre could not exist.
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This enables the Tara Institute community to support the dharma and allow us all to receive precious teachings from Venerable Geshe Doga and Geshe Lobsang

Lama Zopa said: My point here is for you to understand what we are doing and what you are helping with. This is so that you can rejoice. It really is unbelievable, incredible, what you are helping with, and this creates so much benefit for the world and for sentient beings. This actually creates the cause to liberate so many beings. This is an incredible opportunity for you to rejoice, and if you rejoice and then dedicate the merits, it is amazing.

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