2025 Annual
Tara Puja
Sunday 23rd February 2025
10am - 2pm
Geshe Doga warmly invites everyone to join him for the special Tara Puja where prayers will be offered for the long life, health, prosperity and happiness of Tara’s friends and families.
Tara is the female Buddha of enlightened activity. The Tara puja includes making
offerings and requests to help us overcome outer and inner obstacles in our lives, and to achieve wisdom and compassion in our minds.
You are welcome to bring offerings of flowers, food and incense.
Everyone is most welcome to join us for lunch afterwards.
Donations can be made to cover the following items:
Flowers offerings for the main altar
Food offerings
Tsog offerings
Offerings attending Sangha
You can phone the Office or contribute into the following account
– Account Name: Tara Centre for Wisdom Culture
-BSB: 063242
- Account number : 10227562
-Please use the transaction code: ATP2024
Please register either by ringing office 3 9596 8900 or email spc@tarainstitute.org.au or online to help with lunch catering