Thank you for your kind generosity, please feel free to leave a comment below (optional)
Subscription - Monthly Donation
This is an ongoing monthly donation subscription and we will automatically decuct this amount every month.
Your generosity enables us to continue to support our resident and visiting monks and nuns, to provide services to our members, guests and visitors.
It also contributes to providing a peaceful and beautiful environment for meditation, prayer, healing, study and retreat.
You can cancel anytime, please check the donation subscription settings in the website members area or contact us for more information.
Any meritorious gesture of generosity creates a karmic link between yourself and the virtuous activities it allows. Thank you for your kind support.
Your donation will be received into the Medicine Buddha Tantrayana Centre to be used to support centre activities.
A receipt will be emailed to your nominated inbox after payment.
You can cancel the auto renewal of the subscription at any time.
Contact us for more details or check your membership profile at the top of the page.