For centuries, Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhists have commemorated the passing of the famous Tibetan yogi and scholar, Tsong Khapa, whose life and work is comparable to the great Tibetan saint, Milarepa. Lama Tsong Khapa was considered an emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom, and single-handedly inspired an entire religious renaissance. He founded the Gelugpa lineage which continues to this day.
Tara Institute and the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) exist as part of that lineage. On this day, many thousands of Buddhists commemorate this anniversary by making candlelight offerings and singing praises so that the Buddha’s teachings will continue to flourish.
Please join us at TI, to share in this beautiful ceremony of chanting and meditation.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
You can also take this opportunity to accumulate an enormous amount of merit by supporting the Lama Tsong Khapa puja in ways like:
making offerings for Tsog, flowers, torma offerings, light offerings, sangha offerings, participate in karma yoga for set up and clean up.
Donations can be made to cover the following items:
Flower offerings for the main altar
Food offerings
Tsog offerings
Offerings attending Sangha
you can phone the Office or contribute into the following account
Account Name: Tara Centre for Wisdom Culture
BSB: 063242,
Account number : 10227562.
Please use the transaction code: LSK2024.
Please register for this special event at the TI website, or phone the TI Office on 03 9596 8900, or email spc@tarainstitute.org.au
All welcome!